Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today Was A Sad Day !!!My Hamster Just DieD !!!!!I ACTUALLY didnt know until my mom called me and said dik your hamster is dead so then i quickly went upstairs and saw it was lying down and not moving!so then my sis and i went to our backyard and buried it!!!!!that was the last time i saw it !!!!!


the one that is brown colour!!picture display!

1:50 AM

It started on Friday My classmate add me on facebook!!so i aproved so then i look who was chatting then i saw him so i said hi!then he said hello!and then he send a love at me then i was like huh then he said sorry i wanted to send it to my girlfriend!then i was like ooooooookkkkkkk!then he send me 3 love and then i said huh?then he said nak couple tak!!!then i said y u want to couple with me then he said cause im chubby then i was like no way im gonna couple with u!then he said y then i said u called me chubby!then he said sorry then i ask since when u like then he said now!!!what kind of a dumbass guy would say that!!!!!! so then i straight away go offline!!

just want to tell u girls if a guy ask u to couple with him...better ask him first y?and since when he likes u!

and by the way his mane is akmal afiq!!!!!!!!!

1:31 AM

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today I watch Michael Jackson This Is It!!!it was really nice i like the part when it was Thriller!!!woohhhhhhhhhh it was funky and scary!!!!!!!!!!!!

8:53 AM

Hey peps!i wanna tell u about y beloved frend! Her name is Amira Zambri!!!!she is the best person on earth!she's amazing,wonderful,awesome,cool,great,good,smart,fantastic,pretty,cute,nice!!!!Anybody or even me would be thankfull having her as a friend!!!she's on the left she below the red shirt!!!!

12:30 AM

Hey people this is my blog !!!!so im gonna be active no on my blog !cause last tie i forgot my password!!silly me!Tonight im going to watch michael jackson This Is It!!!!as u all know im a fan of michael jackson!seriously if u guys hate michael jackson!!I gonna kill u!!!!

12:08 AM